About Alexandria Lee

At Alexandria Lee we are passionate about improving lives in our community. We understand that a person’s perspective and quality of life can be impacted by how they see or view themselves. Our hair and skin are a big part of how we feel about ourselves, how we engage with the world around us, and our ability to leave a flawless first impression. For this reason, we advocate for self-care through products made with only the highest quality ingredients to support hair and skin health.

We believe you should be able to achieve healthier more resilient hair and skin while at the same time eliminating harmful chemicals from your regimen. We want to ensure that quality hair and skin products are both accessible and affordable in all communities. We strive to be an industry leading provider of natural and organic hair and skin products that deliver results to make people look and feel great.

We value trust as an essential part of every relationship, so we only use quality materials, natural, and organic ingredients for our products. From our ingredients selection process to development of natural, organic, and effective formulas we are committed to bring you products that we love and most importantly deliver results.

Our family, neighbors, and friends will always be our top priority. We want to help everyone we meet live life with confidence at center stage.

Product Development

Chemical Engineer and science enthusiast, Cortney Hall, developed the Alexandria Lee Hair Care product lines while struggling in her personal hair journey.

“My hair was tangled, shedding, and full of knots. Nothing I was trying was giving me the results I was looking for. I knew after my diagnosis I needed to heal internally so I was faced with dealing with my hair challenges and trying to eliminate harmful chemicals from my beauty routines. Nothing I tried resolved my dryness, thinning, split ends, or knots – and the products that did at least help give my hair slip seemed to have every chemical in the periodic table topped off with a little fragrance.  One expensive product line after the next seemed to either just sit on my hair or even worst make it dryer. I had so many setbacks and I was extremely frustrated. I remember sitting on the shower floor (along with several brush-fulls of my hair) after a product fail, ready to give up when I thought… I’m an engineer. I have got to be able to figure this out. That is when the research began." – Mrs. Hall